Well it doesn get beter than this, a movie that could remind me of the good times spent at college during engineering."Rock On" is one such movie..and the theme "Live your dream"...well how many of us are actually doing what we really like....i once read somewhere never to have back up plans for career...because if you have back up plans you are never fully committed to what you would like to do..because you have a back up.
Anyways, the movie reminded me of our band in college. At a time when every one was crazy about just english rock, we decided to keep performing songs that we liked...all soft hindi rock..and a few soft english rock as well. I can still remember winning at 4 college festivals by performing the same song.."Dhoom" by euphoria. We liked playing songs of euphoria, strings, a few by airsupply too. We never created any originals atleast in college.
the band seperated after engg, luckily 3 of us made it to the same company for work "Satyam"...and this was the time when we created our first original song...
and it started with the same feeling "Dreams"..leavin girl friends behind :))..for the so called long distance relationship...
i just wish i could get back to those good old days and meet up with the band more often and create some originals that we can record...
Some things that i can remember about what we used to do during practice:
1) ani on mike check making the "kissing" sound
2) rohit having to indicate not once not twice but thrice to start singing...
3) pratik improvising on synth, and claiming i can sing and play at the same time too,..while i kunal and rohit looked at each other sayin...naah leav it you will forget ur lines ;)
4) kunal engrossed in creating his own tune..
frens i can remmbr only this...add on to this